Leadership Midland
Leadership Midland is a one-year program, offering first-rate community education and immersion since its inception in 1979.
Midlanders can take advantage of this opportunity to learn about Midland and strengthen their foundation within the community. If you’ve always wanted to participate, now is your chance! Applications are available by clicking 'Apply Now' below!
With over 1,300 graduates, the footprints of this program can be seen throughout Midland.
Mission: Preparing and empowering emerging leaders with community knowledge and connections necessary to shape Midland’s future as a premier community to live, work and do business
Description: This Midland Chamber Leadership Center initiative is a one-year application-based program. It is overseen and planned by the Leadership Midland Committee, composed of 9-10 Chamber members who have completed the Leadership Midland program. Individuals serve a three-year commitment and plan a class day each year. Class days include: Commerce, Education, Housing & Infrastructure, Healthcare & Wellness, Government, Arts & Recreation, and Community Engagement.
$1500 for the year. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
- Class Member Applications: April 1 - May 3, 2025
- Class Acceptance Notification: May
- Class Size: 40 bus, Charter bus holds 56
- Class Days: 2nd Thursday of every month, September– May 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Graduation Dinner in May

Program Overview
Our program is the most engaging and comprehensive leadership tool to date. Whatever you have heard about Leadership Midland in the past, this is much more -- more knowledge, more commitment, more achievement.
- Focuses on familiarizing students with the various agencies that provide services to our community.
- Site visits help students become aware of the roles, challenges, and impact of nonprofit organizations and government institutions that are purposed to increase the quality of life.
- From hospital tours to key infrastructure facilities, participants get a first-hand look at how each entity operates and its relationship with the others.

Tuition covers transportation, lunches, necessary supplies, and program operating fees. It also facilitates the annual Orientation Retreat and Graduation Ceremony.
*Scholarships Available. Contact Jessica Stanford for more information.
Recognition: Public
- Logo on Chamber’s Leadership Midland website page
- Social media posts following graduation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn (logo included)
Recognition: Class & Committee
- Verbal recognition at the graduation ceremony
- Logo on graduation invitations, program, tickets, and signage at the ceremony
- Option to provide branded “swag” for graduation attendees (distribution method/location to be determined by Chamber)
Recognition: Other
- Two (2) tickets to attend the annual graduation ceremony (May of each year)
- First right of refusal for subsequent year (within Chamber-designated timeline)
- $500 of sponsorship will be made available as a scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be notified of the donor’s gift.
Recognition: Public
- Logo on Chamber’s Leadership Midland website page
- Recognition in Chamber’s “Business Matters” page in the MRT (two times/year – during application cycle and class announcement)
- Social media posts following sponsored day on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn (logo included)
Recognition: Class (selected day)
- Verbal recognition during daily welcome
- Logo on program print materials (agenda and speaker brochure)
- Option to provide branded “swag” for selected class day
Recognition: Other
$150 of sponsorship will be made available as a scholarship. Scholarship recipients will be notified of the donor’s gift.
NOTE: Leadership Midland sponsor packages do NOT include sponsor recognition during Midland-Odessa Legislative Days. Participation in Legislative Days is included with the program curriculum; however, that event is produced in partnership with the Odessa Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, sponsorships are sold separately.
Alumni Information
Note: Leadership Midland Alumni Communications are for program alumni only. Requests to join group communications (emails, Facebook group, etc.) by anyone who has not completed the program will be denied.